Charging for educational activities in school is covered by the Education Act 1996

Education for pupils in mainstream schools should be free of charge if it:

  1. Takes place in school hours (i.e. the hours when the school is in session not counting the midday break) or
  2. Is outside the school hours but is required as part of the National Curriculum or part of the statutory religious education.

The exception is:

A charge can be made for individual or group tuition in a musical instrument if it has been requested by a parent, except where it is part of the syllabus.

Voluntary contributions

Voluntary contributions can be requested for any of the school’s activities. There is no obligation to pay and no pupil will be excluded from the activity on the grounds that no contribution has been made. However, in some cases, activities which are not part of the National Curriculum may not go ahead if insufficient contribution is made to the costs. Parents/carers are provided with a detailed breakdown of planned educational visits at the beginning of the academic year and are offered a savings scheme to help with their contribution.

Educational visits

Letters for educational visits will include the following statement:

To enable the visit to take place, it is necessary to ask for a contribution of £(amount) towards the cost of the trip. If insufficient funds are collected, we will have to cancel the visit. Any monies paid would be refunded if the visit is cancelled.


All materials required for school are provided free of charge.

Residential visits

The school makes a charge for residential visits that take place predominantly outside of school hours. However, we would try to ensure no child is excluded because they are unable to afford the whole amount. Information regarding the costing is sent to parents in good time before the visit to allow time to save for the visit. Payments by instalments are also encouraged and any parent/carer experiencing financial difficulty is encouraged to liaise with the Headteacher to make a payment arrangement. In the case of pupils eligible for pupil premium, the school provides the deposit for the visit on parental request.


The governors reserve the right to ask parents to pay for any damage to the school

property or equipment where this is the result of pupils’ behaviour.

Child care

Attendance at the breakfast and after school club run by Shining Stars is chargeable. This is in arrangement with Shining Stars.

Extra-curricular activities

Lunchtime and after school clubs run by school are free.

After school clubs delivered by outside agencies will carry a small charge. This is set by the agency running the activity but is monitored by school.